Friday, November 02, 2007

Being Proactive and Loving It . . .

So life has been hard to keep up with lately, but I think I've survived the storm. Not that it will be smooth sailing, but I don't run the risk of capsizing so much.
I'm working hard to get all caught up on my Craftster Swaps, homework, housework and Christmas crafting. A huge bout of family birthdays in a very short period of time has left me out of breath; my midterms marks left me breathless. Let's just say I could be doing better. Way better. Let's just say I'm ashamed and dismayed. Let's just say I'm pulling up my socks.
Let's just say I'll never do this poorly again. Let's.
The Zombie package was very well recieved, and candy was consumed. Hurrah!
Hallowe'en was ok - my brother and I had a mini shindig with the signifigant others. I'll have to post pictures later. If you have ever wanted to see a Drug Dealer, Shifty-Eyed Drunken Vagrant, Witch and Hooded Skeleton rock out on Guitar Hero whilst imbibing fancy drinks. . .boy are you in luck!

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